The environment

… i life in, the environment that surrounds me …

Since February 2018 i'm disconnected from my old environment (since Facebook changed their API in 2017). But from now on, October 2019, i found a new one.
The content below -more for historical reasons- are snippets of my old environment... (yes, you get a random selection for free! if you want to buy my old environment, lets get in contact.)

13-03-2017 10:45 - Dialog mit der islamischen Welt teilt einen Link. Angriff vor 100 Jahren: Als die Briten in Bagdad einmarschierten. Das Trauma des Sykes-Picot-Abkommens für die arabische Welt Als das Sykes-Picot-Geheimabkommen 1917 bekannt wurde, war es ein Schock für viele Araber, die nach Unabhängigkeit strebten.. Kriege und Terror ruinieren den Irak, Autobomben explodieren regelmäßig, Menschen sterben. Vor 100 Jahren beginnt die Geschichte des modernen Staates - ebenfalls mit Krieg. Von Jan Kuhlmann. 13 Menschen gefällt das: Gudrun Meddeb, Shel Lita, Moni Donner, Abd Alilewi, Moritz Mans, Maria Dost, Darjusch Bartsch, Lukas Ma, Robert Niedermeier, Jawad Asghar, Ismail Simmo, Hanna Hüpft, Dorothee Stern. 1 Mensch hat dazu kommentiert. Johann Johannes: "So sieht die Unabhaengigkeit in realo nach 100 Jahren aus..".
02-05-2015 18:26 CaptainCork adds a photo. . 25 people like this: Michael Hack, Christian Albers, Jürgen Auderer, Antje Weertz, Erich Leidag, Iago Otero Leiro, Christian Stark, Ekkehard Tittelbach, Christof Weser, Jan Tiemann, Jens Nebrich, Matthias Pojar, Dietmar Rosarius, Ruben Haub, Simon Kanz, Hans Miedler, Carolin RH, Heidi Strikinac, Ian Patrick Wetterwachs, Weinhof Gassen, Frank Bender, Antje Spratte, Ingo Diehl, Werner Spratte, Wolfgang Preininger.
20-07-2015 01:51 RT shares a link. Protestors take to streets of Kiev to denounce high utility bills. Around 2,000 rallied in the center of the Ukrainian capital on Sunday to protest high housing and public utilities prices, which have skyrocketed 88 percent since last year. 25 people like this: Андрей Кремнев, Adam Soliz, Gonzalo Lazaro, Tran Anh Tuan, Neil McCarthy Cheng, Chris Pawlow, Abdul Rashid, Shyuuny Shyoony Shyunnyovers, Guy Graves, Miriam Oozes Freedom Orr, Mas Jaka, Sepeng Adja, Leonid Vilenski, Padraigin Ni Labhradha, Khalid Bhatti, Abu Bahar, Eric Frei, Paul C. Magallanes Jr., Abu Jood, Shan MacPherson, Tabnisa Tabni, Maikel Nostic Anker, Lia Rutin, Among Simanjuntak, Javed Zain. 25 people commented on this. Mickel Johnson: "I wonder why? putin loves hurting ukrainians under the guise its directed toward just "rebels"". Zane Mauck: "We should protest high cost of living here in San Diego.". Maya Oppenheimer: "This is what you get Ukraine!! Privatization is IMF's economic destruction tool#1! In about 5'll look worse than Greece! BTW....where did Ukraine's gold reserves go?". Igor Koske: "Euromaidan 3-4-5??? How many more until western society realize that Ukraine is DEAD and political situation in current so called Ukraine is Neo-Nazi Fascists Dictatorship without democracy and without freedom but with plenty of corruption and theft!". Igor Koske: "I can't wait until Ukraine will turn into Greece crisis #2 but Ukraine will show IMF middle finger instead of paying the loans!". Charlie Bayview: "Well the Ukrainian government is a fraud...never elected and ZIONIST NWO puppets". Terry Heatley: "Makes you laugh, high utility bills, what about the high deaths of women and children in the East Ukraine.". Abd AlRahman IbnNelson: "So much for joing EU and NATO...". Chris Rodriguez: "I doubt they pay more than what we pay in Puerto Rico. The middle class subsidizes the poor's utilities, and rent, and food.". Scott Prestwood: "It's a war economy, why are gas prices higher in Ukraine and cheaper around the world? Hummmmm. We've heard you on the Georgian dude, political shaming is something Russia could expertly recognize.!/photo.php?fbid=1461731937479720&id=1459101627742751&set=pb.1459101627742751.-2207520000.1437345444.&source=42". Jonathan Jerome: "Well you wanted to join the EU or to be part of the Germany dictatorship". Laurence Bernard: "Can't wait until Russia finally has had enough of you Nazi sons of bitches and you perogie eating drunks that sit back and tolerate a government of terrorists who shoot down civilian passenger jets and shell civilians in the Russian speaking "separatist" republics and shuts off your natural gas altogether. Higher utility bills are just the beginning of the price you will pay for tolerating Yats, that fat bastard Poroshenko, and his regime that is selling you out to the IMF. Wait until you start to freeze in the winter and the austerity conditions that are skinning the people of Greece alive start to kick in. That is why Putin has not and will not intervene. Unlike that slut Nuland and the Obama regime and the neocons, he does not degnerate to violence as he knows sooner or later you Ukranian scumbags will run that son of a bitch and his regime and his neo Nazi baby killers out of the country. You could save some face by doing it sooner than later. They will no doubt seek asylum in the US or from our bitch boys, that vassal state of t6he US that some call the UK. Bunch of gutless wimps and pussies that they are". Elena Perrone: "Excellent documentary in 8 movies. But in this one: on 21:44 min. about Crimea and Sevastopol. Pay attention Ukraine didn't exist at that time.". Matthew Mccorry: "Welcome to the EU". Вергунов Сергей: "This is European living, people.". Scott Kuli: "The wonders of Western austerity/socialism that always seems to favour the economic biggies... and leaves crumbs for everyone else. Americans who support their government are fools, because this is what they have planned for them too.". Anton Vann: "And there will be more price rises to come with the entry of US private companies into what were previously government owned business / services. This will also cause decrease in overall revenue , and a greater reliance on individual taxes such as VAT, transactions taxes while the foreign purchased state enterprises use every means known (including international treaties and free trade agreements) to channel money out of the country thus evading what would have been their fair share of tax. Ukraine needs to be wary of its "friendship" with the US as it's corporations will bleed it dry.". Paul Anthony: "They protest high bills but support the war against their own people in the East! Lol... Where you think the money for the war is coming from? Perhaps they should be protesting the war instead!". Nataliya Lyashchenko: "Nice show, RT! Was it made by you or your co-workers from 1Channel or LifeNews?". Scott Sinclair: "Protest while you can - Victoria Nuland is splitting Ukraine up - there will soon be nothing left to protest about or fight for....". Scott Sinclair: "The World is laughing at Ukraine - The Great partner they think they have in Zionist America afford them only their Assistant Secretary of State - a 'clapped out' Jewish Hag - hell bent on dragging Europe into an unnecessary war with Russia - which may bring about the Annihilation of the Ukrainian peoples....In the name of God 'Wake Up Ukraine'.........". Lina Arnauth: "EU - FMI -BCE = NATO as 3 organizaçoes têm o poder das armas atraves da NATO que representa uma aliança militar entre GOVERNOS e PRIVADOS neles representados". David Ward: "Should really be complaining about U.S. meddling in Ukraine.". Barbara Arndt: "It's really difficult to sympathize with people complaining about high prices for housing and electricity, knowing that the majority of them didn't give a damn when their fellow Ukrainian citizens in the east were having their homes and power stations bombed to kingdom come by the Ukrainian Army.". Paul Ramsden: "Ukrainians , welcome to the West and extreme capitalism - remember this golden rule - The corporations are Gods and TO THEM - you are just dirt to be exploited !".
23-04-2015 23:11 Neuköllner Kunstsalon does something. Offenes Ende. Offenes Ende. KOMMT.
28-04-2017 04:55 RT shares a link. Trump is puppet of US ‘deep state,’ has no ‘own’ foreign policy – Assad. 'This is what characterizes American politicians: they lie on a daily basis...' - Assad.. US president Donald Trump is not a truly independent political leader but merely a puppet of US corporations, military and intelligence, and who serves their interests, Syrian President Bashar Assad has told the Latin American TeleSUR TV network. 25 people like this: Christopher John Bosuin, Abe Cuevas, Anthony McLeod, Randeep Nigam, Peter Montoya, Aaron Glass, Mihaela Marinca, Somars Susi, ZD Gregory, Andrew Fk, Gergő Brook Galyas, Sahar Elcheikh, Javier C Gomez-Ubau, Ali Latash, Victor Jeffery, Asraful Nur, Ann Ryan, Silas Hossain, Михаил Костов, Sanjay Kumar Mishra, Edward Hughes, إكرام غنی, Aslin Ershen, Pushparaj Boloor, Allen Serhan. 25 people commented on this. Donik Ademi: "Assad the CHILDKILLER. I hope your family will burn alive". Jeff Gast: "Bankers control policy. He is correct. Syria has no rothschild run central bank. Which is part of the reason usa/israel wants syria Did you know a rothschild banker bailed trump out of bankruptcy years ago?". Ilias Sourdis: "We must consider ourselves very lucky if at the end of the Trump administration there will still be life on this planet. With the direct threats of the Americans against North Korea that will involve China too, direct threats against Syria and Iran that will involve Russia too, the world community must start to really worry and raise their voices for peace before the merchants of war in the USA pull the trigger of disaster. With every day passing the American promoters of war are making this planet a very dangerous place to live.". Goran Markovic: "Trump is the biggest fail I have ever seen in the oval office. I was really happy as he won the elections..... 3 months later I just cant belive how he turned 180 degrees....". Gill Jingle: "Donald Trump says EPA water regulations are hurting his hair! He is more worried about his signature hairdo than Mexicans and Muslims! It is time for ISIS to arrest him and shave his hair and keep him hairless and a bold squared head Anglo-Zionist sickening Christianitist white Cacusian.". Jaffe Steve: "Anyone insulting Assad here should first ask himself how many children has the US killed all over the world. American presidents are puppets of the system. Period.". Gill Jingle: "The Orange Menace player will turn the United States into a full-fledged banana republic. Prudence is not among his few virtues. Trump sports a super-model trophy bride and cares so much about the size of his hands and crowds. Therefore, this Trump-induced catastrophe has to be staved off. Will the bastard quit or will he be impeached and run out of town?". Gill Jingle: "Trump is a megalomaniac, with less self-awareness than a fly about to be swatted; don’t count on his instincts. Republicans can use Trump more than he can use them. They have an agenda, after all; they want to eradicate a hundred years worth of progress, and they see in Trump their best chance for pulling it off. His disapproval rating is already in the George W. Bush range, and it will only get worse.". Gill Jingle: "Trump: a showman, a real estate finagler with political juice who turned the chunk of money his father gave him into a heap of ill-gotten gains, a thin-skinned egotist with the dignity and gravitas of a playground bully, a reality TV star, an ex-casino mogul, a builder of vulgar luxury resorts for the nouveau riche and a peddler of over the top schlock, with the inner fascist in the worst of the worst. Trump is now in full reactionary mode, and he has no ideological convictions at all, only wicked instincts, false beliefs, and an appalling demeanor.". Steven Logan Everett-Fain: "I don't neccarily hate to admit that Assad is right on the money with this. Trump currently has any number of wormtongues whispering evil into his ear. Most of who hail from a certain (((demographic))) that it's taboo to criticize.". Gill Jingle: "The conflict in Syria isn’t really about terrorism at all. It’s about natural gas, competing pipelines and access to markets in the EU. It’s about money and power. The whole ISIS-thing is a big hoax to conceal what’s really going on, which is a global war for resources, more blood for oil.". Zack Raikov: "ALL American presidents are a mere puppets to CIA an MOSSAD... for decades". Saad Sayyed: "American politicians killed millions of sad.". Daniel Enright: "Assad has been in powr how long now? and much of the time in war...and yet his hair is still brown...every american politician goes in with coloured hair, and comes out 8 years later grey...says alot about who cant sleep at night and who can...maybe the bullshit actually greys their hair over". Saif Ali: "He is damn right! I now wonder who is the biggest criminal. This fellow Assad has the back bone to stand against the US which the fellow Sunni governments of Saudi doesn't!". Nick F Cerutti: "Absolutely true ! It isn't Trump who was elected, but his non-aggressive foreign policy plan. Sadly, he is far too easily swayed from his campaign promises, by his daughter and Mossad/Netanyahu-flipped son-in-Law to begin with, to walk a straight line. The way I see it, knee-deep in the swamp, he traded said foreign policy plan for his life. Hence this mess.". Rainer Funk: "the deep state is zionism, that has overtaken u.s. govt, and controlls policies towards, and for, the israeli mossads motto says"by deception we wage war"...and this war is to control an dominate the world and humanity...this is zionist ideology....and it is clearly the who do we need to fight???". Matthew Bosies: "- Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation. “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” he said. “I’m both. And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.” Trumpolini is an empty vessel. He has no ideological core. He's even worse than Obama.". Toofan Khan Rahim: "Kill Assad today so bigger Israel can be established tommorrow.. having said that Israel is bombing Syria right now why are all Assad hating muslims not talking about it". Angela Winter: "Assad should not expect anything less than what he's getting from the coke addict Trump. In his world everything's beautiful, they're going to win bigly, he loves everybody. Do-re-mi is what's playing non stop in the hollow head of the POTUS. *snort, snort, sniffle, sniffle*". Joshua Queen: "The most evil of people just moved to #2 and made trump number 1 by calling him out on what I think most level headed Americans believe; politicians lie no matter who they are to go elected and lie their whole term(s). We the people also believe that big oil companies, big pharma and the rich really run this country whether it be through his references or in general. I don't believe in illuminati in the c. theory way, but in that the rich really the show intentionally or not.". Justin Weickel: "Lol well he certainly isn't wrong. Our government does a great job talking the talk and acting like they care about the citizens, but they can't walk the walk for shit. Nothing but mouthpieces and yes-men for corporations and the highest bidder. #facade". Wayne Black: "Bashar knows. US is Empire of bullshit anymore. The Zionist dick suckers and fat pig Sauds are running the show . Trump is just their latest dancing monkey .". Mamdouh Serry: "DICTATOR Assad is talking about lies !! heheh LOL Nothing actually compares to the brutality of this maniac dictator .. Hitler comes in close second. This regime is no a stranger to criminal behavior for the past 50 years, like father like son, a MAFIA family of thugs, thieves and criminals who committed mass slaughter and non stop torture and extra judicial executions of the Syrian people till the Syrian revolution for freedom and dignity broke out Here enjoy the view". Abdi Adam: "And you only know how to barrel bomb women and children while israel the real aggresor bombs you at will,to hell with your hypocrisy idiot,you sure will have your fair share of first blood soon.".
23-11-2015 17:57 Interventionistische Linke Berlin teilt einen Link. IL im Aufbruch - ein Zwischenstandspapier | Interventionistische Linke. Geneigte Interessierte an der Interventionistischen Linken Berlin: unser offener Stammtisch zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen findet morgen erst um 21.00 Uhr statt - ist aber wie immer in der B-Lage / Neukölln (Mareschstr. 1). Und: ein vorheriger Blick in unser Zwischenstandspapier als IL lohnt sich (Prüfungen gibts natürlich nicht :-) ).. attenzione photographers© Dieses Papier ist das vorläufige Ergebnis einer mehrjährigen Diskussion, in der sich die Interventionistische Linke über die nächsten Schritte im Organisierungsprozess verständigt hat. Ursprünglich wollten wir ein viel längeres Papier veröffentlichen. Die politischen Posi….
22-03-2015 14:31 Kaarlh Vatanen Halbert McIna shares a link. Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]. E' primavera... Watch the official music video for Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart Get Joy Division music: iTunes:
16-03-2015 13:20 Barbi Markovic adds a photo. . 6 people like this: Natalie Ananda Assmann, Slavna Martinovic, Ivana Marjanovic, Daniel Wisser, Milona Balzam, Ela Angerer. 3 people commented on this. Ivana Marjanovic: "Elizabet jel to tvoj san posle sljake na Prateru? ; )". Barbi Markovic: "jeste! u pitanju je hong kong u ogromnom dizeldofskom luna parku :)". Ivana Marjanovic: "Pa puno srece!!!!".
08-09-2015 23:40 RT shares a link. Afghan officials blame NATO after 11 police officers killed in airstrike. A US-led coalition airstrike killed 11 Afghan anti-drug police officers in southern Afghanistan, the Interior Ministry said Monday. Amid conflicting reports, NATO has denied responsibility. 25 people like this: Sylvia Patterson, Cecilia Narvaez, Khaled Akkad, Tanay Tewari, Ljilja Jovisevic, Maruf Hasan, Cezar Galan, Dante Raymundo, خيبر از روتردام, Alejandro Rodriguez, Stefan Schmidt, Pato Lucas, Abhishek Dutta, Roggen Jürgen, Kaushik Roychowdhury, Mason Green, Nate Chambers, Marv Schulz, Mohamed Elberry, Jukka Vainio, Babar Hameed Hak, Aaron Waggoner, Tareq Muhammad, احمد حمدين, Baseer Amin. 25 people commented on this. Salman Khan: "Good for them we dont have much sympathy for afghans now. 1) --->They do believe that 1 province of pakistan belongs to them thats funny that province was given by their on afghan king to founder of pakistan "muhammad ali jinnah" in 20th century and we are living in 21st century now they must wash their eyes they have sign agreement. 2) ---> They do believe that pakistan create problems in their country. so why pakistanis will do that whats special their in afghanistan? oil? diamonds? even russians and americans dont find noting there instead terrorist talibans 3)---> If pakistanis are problem to them then who were russians and americans who throw bombs on them? 4) ----> Pakistan is world largest refugees country..we are keeping 1.59 million afghan refugees here since from 30 years...even we are not that much rich..its big slap for puppet gulf countries who are not interested to keep syrian refugees. in short you cant keep the refugees happy in whole world. because more then half world is ignorant and no one likes to be call refugee..they will find fake excuse for hating you..! and unfortunately afghans are ignorant people and their ignorance is their cool reason why they always suffer here and there in world..! 5) ---> when ever Taliban commander dies..i read those comments from afghans here always "May Allah keep his soul in peace" "Long live tabliban" what nonsense is that? it looks like they have learn nothing from their past. no one is their enemie actually they are enemie of their self...!". Ruben Torrescano: "NATO(The U.S.) are untouchable when it comes to committing war crimes". Roger Addison: "Protecting their interests more like". Taha Feroz: "Blood sucker Zionists.". John Longa: "NATO is the worst". Ned Davis: "They had to die. They were "ANTI" Drug cops after all. America needs those drugs..". Phillip Vella: "NATO terror only thing good at murdering and creating refugees". Leonard van Wyk: "did NATO ask permission to bomb afghanistan?". Hadrian Kowalsky Kowalsky: "what did they stumbele in america's opium farm?". Lloyd Robison: "Not a word about the civilians. ... Police. . Para military. .... government officials. .... but nothing about the people. .... The civilians. . Are Western governments any different. ... no We. ..The people Don't matter". Thando Thembani Mogale: "While the world is facing huge security threats such as ISIL. NATO is preparing for its biggest millitary exercises since 2002, involving 36 000 personnel from over 30 nations. All this cause of a percieved Russian threat? Let"s get our priorities right.". Scott Prestwood: "Russia can carry their own investigation, providing proof not speculation and red herrings, into the downing of MH17. Realize that stating that Russia selling Ukraine BUK's is only a peripheral point to the short range the BUK at the altitude of the jetliner. The radius of the range of the BUK is mostly consumed up, limiting the position to a small radius on the ground, increasing the likelihood that it was fired from the rebels THAT showed up promptly at the crash site looking for a pilot prisoner (of a Sukoi). Every time you insinuate it was a BUK (Ukraine or Russian supplied), you only hang your self on a hook by not realizing that another, much longer range missile, is needed to implicate Ukrainian forces. Dig deeper, a refrigerator will never be sentient enough to tell you anything, just because Putin's lack of acknowledgment is forcing others to declare they are not ignorant does not mean Putin can't be guilty. Assume nothing, but listen to the realization.". Gerry Diamond: "If the police were trying to stop production of drugs it's no wonder US forces killed them. They need to protect their supply chain after all.". Patrick De Blois: "funny how retards russians forget about their occupation of Afghanistan". Abdalah Bilal: "In libya coming to support civilian for dictator because he kill them . Than later when the criminal that which they support by nato kill civilian they asked to find solutions big game first world playing". Mario Kenny: "we need the drugs". Nawaponrath Asavathanachart: "Always helping the terrorist and pretending it was a misrake". John Shire: "The question isn't any longer "Who is NATO bombing?", It's Who aren't they bombing!?!". Michele Malavasi: "Drug police officers (if not incline to bribes) are really toxic for the the biggest drug smugglers on the planet.". Stephen Milne: "America need to protect their suppliers.". John Salas: "Anti-Drug police?... in Afghanistan? The CIA pays the poppy growers for the raw paste product to make heroin in Pakistan then fly it state side in C130's. Billions of dollars at stake and Nobody is messing with that...". Lebogang Buda Uys: "Nato is dangers then Isis". Abhijit Mandal: "who gives them permission to kill anyone without facing the law!! something is very wrong in this world order and need a fix.". Sotirios Siolis: "who dares to mess around with CIA's heroin? ...not even local police!!!". John Dost: "I'm an afghan. We want Russian back please Mr Putin send your troops send your planes before the western imperialism Finnish us off before they kill us all. We made a big mistake fighting the soviet forgive us.".
14-05-2017 11:00 ENOUGH is ENOUGH - OPEN YOUR MOUTH teilt einen Link. Homo- und transphobe Straftaten erreichen neuen Rekord. #Berlin
10-02-2016 16:49 Armin Medosch shares a link. Feeling the Yern: Why One Millennial Woman Would Rather Go to Hell Than Vote for Hillary. who ever said American youffs are apolitical ;-). Stumping for Hillary Clinton this weekend in New Hampshire, hedge fund manager Madeleine Albright squawked, "There's a special place in Hell for women who don't help each other." When the Democratic National Committee chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was asked earlier this year why she thought Mille….
24-09-2015 17:05 ARTE teilt ein Video. Eyewitness - Die Augenzeugen (1/6). Zwei Jugendliche beobachten nachts in einer Kiesgrube, wie vier Männer erschossen werden. Der Mörder entdeckt sie, doch die Jugendlichen können entkommen und beschließen, über das Gesehene zu schweigen. Die lokale Polizeichefin des kleinen Ortes Mysen, wird mit der Ermittlung beauftragt ... Die Krim…. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Di Gucci, Hans Leibert, Irene Ramorobi, رائد عادل, Marion Derfler, Thea Schwarz, Leonore Hüttich, Carolin Mool, Klaus Rose, Kanyalat Poompuang, Heiko Ziesche, Valérie Cat, Anica Glavas, Mic Ha, Anke Johst, Gretchen Guerra, Nina Wi, Cássio Nascimento, Annette Zimmermann, Emre Özkan, Mendy Djeen, Astrid Süßbrich, Anne-Kathryn Bathe, Andrea Fechner, Jafur Miah. 4 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Konrad Otto: "Scheiss-Jobs bei der Kripo, die armen BeamtInnen...". Valérie Cat: "Wann kommen denn die anderen Folgen?". Leonore Hüttich: "Die ersten Teile heute werde ich mir ansehen, bin sehr gespannt!". Thea Schwarz: "Lenina Braun! Ce soir! :-D".
20-07-2015 16:00 medico international hat ein Foto hinzugefügt. Für alle, die aus der Türkei nach #Kobanê möchten, ist das kurdische Amara-Kulturzentrum in #Suruç ein Ort des Verweilens und der Information. Ob nun Fotografen oder MitarbeiterInnen von Hilfsorganisationen, ob Freiwillige aus der Türkei oder InternationalistInnen aus der halben Welt, alle steuern das gastfreundliche Haus an. Dort bekommt man kostenlos Tee, es gibt W-Lan, im Garten kann man schlafen – und warten, bis kurdische AktivistInnen einen mit den notwendigen Informationen versorgen, damit man gefahrlos die Weiterreise antreten kann. Auch die Stadtverwaltung von Kobanê auf der anderen Seite der Grenze hat dort eine ständige Vertretung. Im Frühjahr 2015 war ich zweimal in Suruç und später in Kobanê. Beim ersten Mal Ende Januar war es bitterkalt im Kulturzentrum, alle tranken heißen Fruchtsaft und es lag eine tiefe Freude in der Luft: Nur zwei Tage vorher war der IS aus Kobanê vertrieben worden. Ich hielt mich nur wenige Stunden im Amara-Zentrum auf und reiste sogleich weiter ins regnerische, kalte, aber befreite Kobanê. Im April war ich ein zweites Mal im Kulturzentrum. Es war warm geworden und wir warteten wieder auf unsere Weiterfahrt nach Kobanê. Diesmal dauerte es etwas länger, wir warteten sogar einige Tage. Dann klappte es wieder. Bis dahin saßen wir in dem schönen Garten in der Frühlingsonne und unterhielten uns mit den Leuten, die täglich ins Zentrum kommen. Hier trafen sich kurdische Freiwillige, die in den Flüchtlingslagern von Suruç arbeiteten, aber auch Musikgruppen, Sprach- und Schreibkurse. Es war ein ständiges Kommen und Gehen. Heute Morgen kamen ca. 300 AktivistInnen verschiedener linker Jugendorganisationen aus Istanbul im Amara-Zentrum an. Sie hatten in ihren Vierteln Geld gesammelt, um in den nächsten Wochen in Kobanê einen Freizeitpark für Kinder zu bauen. Nachdem sie sich an großen Tischen mit Angehörigen von getöteten YPG-/YPJ-KämpferInnen aus Kobanê getroffen hatten, stellten sie sich zu einem Erinnerungsbild auf. Der Garten war voll mit Menschen. In diesem Moment zündete ein IS-Selbstmordattentäter die fürchterliche Bombe und riss mindestens 40 Menschen mit in den Tod und verletzte Unzählige. Ich bin geschockt und trauere um die Opfer, auch ich hätte dort sitzen können. Martin Glasenapp In der Türkei und Kurdistan rufen am heutigen Tag alle linken Gruppen und Initiativen sowie die kurdische HDP-Partei unter dem Hashtag #SuructaKatliamVar (Das Massaker in Suruç) zu landesweiten Protest- und Trauerdemonstrationen auf. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Sven Lou, Ayse Erol, Anna Lühse, Chrüs Wa, Ser Kan, Ayşe Yıldız, Kathrin Naß, Anna Morkisch, Sywan Talib Sisa, Nina Dehmlow, Sascha Samadi, Xecê Bay, Re Bin, Marion Hackl, Stefanie Bande, Laura Hemmer, Banu Celik, Sven LassMal, Sven Ölscher, Demdem Öhm, Yavuz Bal, Figan Ucar-Macit, Cengiz Kamaci, Lotta Wo, Leia Leela. 5 Menschen haben dazu kommentiert. Gulê Atasoy: "Ich hatte auch vor. Ich musste leider verschieben.Aber das erleichter mir nicht.". Ferlin Berdi: "". Nadia Shehadeh: "m(". Yasmin Meral Helfen: "Adrian Helfen". Murat Kara: "baris icin yaşasin savaş".
26-01-2015 04:13 Laguna Poreč adds a photo. Sharing the #lagunaporec memories is the best way to start the week! Share your holiday memories and have a happy Monday! #croatia #istria #sunset #Porec. 25 people like this: Ria van Dijk, Dorino Susana, Thomas Pummer, Ilija Mazalovic, Svetlana Benic Ciric, Ramona Holzinger, Jana Ksandr, Natalie Den Otter, Andreas Grillitsch, Alice Fürstler, Laura Biagiotti, Farkas Lászlóné, Friederike Oberhollenzer, Janez Arih, Greg Salemink, Siegfried Hitzelberger, Ans Hamers-Frenken, Sara Orlovic, Lydia Foth, Luca Poretti, Irena Jolanta Janus, Mojca Jekovec, Meri Bravi, Beate Simmerle, Baboka Gabriella.
04-03-2016 15:35 Zeit im Bild posts a video. Kassiererin schlägt Räuber in die Flucht. 25 people like this: Robert Stroh, Stephan Körrer, Pia Sz, Melanie Wiener, Alexander Kocher, Denise Ates, Carolina Dibold, Nicole Vivienne J, Patrick Kospi Kasprzak, Pati Walch, Leonhard Bauer, Lena Luisa Fuchs, F.d. Isi, Amira Schaat, Hazem Salim, Farida Torakai, Eva Malek, Florijan Ilisevic, Judith Minichmayr, Josip Cukic, Georg Lagger, Viki Niederl, Sandrina Seyrling, Matthias Böswart, Nwaser Shadat. 25 people commented on this. Christian Heller: "Andrea Heller". Christian Heller: "Jawohl!!! Immer schön feste drauf!!! Hahahaha". Manuela Konrad: "Nicht sehr klug". Corinna Cingl: "Robert Huber Robert Wurm
28-02-2017 10:37 Mirela Jasic posts a video. Jimmy Fallon, Ed Sheeran & The Roots Sing "Shape of You" (Classroom Instruments). Ed Sheeran joins Jimmy and The Roots in the Tonight Show Music Room to perform "Shape of You" with classroom instruments. Ed Sheeran joins Jimmy and The Root....
10-08-2016 04:43 Marek Luzny shares a link. so obsessed with this!! <3 #marioayala.
07-12-2015 06:00 RT shares a link. Biometric tattoos raise the bar in wearable technology (VIDEO). Tech Tatts. Inking data collectors on your skin could become the next step in wearable technology, allowing them to obtain health and other biometric data from the body without a pause. 25 people like this: Robert Lucke, Duane W Reinhardt, Zunair Tariq, Lesego Amenhotep Tehuti, Jamal Nazzal, Samuel Ifeanyi Omoh, Jayar Gutierrez, Amadasun George, Ahmed Abdulkadir, Joshua Andrews, Mas Ali Eror, ماجد العراقي, Shawn Higgins, Gary Otto, LeV SKi, Fitzgerald Mistral, RM Bernan, Laura Mazur, Spencer Salzberg, Irene E Pretorius, Oumaima Dabaja, Neon Cole, Michael Vuyo Mtshali, Freddy Law, Jackie Day. 25 people commented on this. Anthony Lenin Palmer: "The mark of the beast". Christopher Michael Yerbich: "NO WAY". Danny Morrow: "aha or a completely see through attempt at taggin the population to keep an eye". Dan Black: "Keep that crap off of me.....". MinisterCynthia Louise: "didn't anyone watch the Terminator?". Nelson Lainez: "The approaching technological age is the Mark of the Beast system.". Ra Fael: "the mark of the beast.". Saša Tamara Dobričić: "svasta". Kris Welder Stevens: "nope". James Mulliss: "No thanks". Vaughn Hollund: "". Jon Shkiler: "As long as I can opt out of such technology... salut!". Craig Bratcher: "OMG Vladamir Putin's RT cleaning fluid drunkard minion's new buzzword is sure to whip the paranoid little pinko crazies into an utter tizzy fit as they tug on their little puppet's strings this way and that while passing the plastic jusg around the studio and LOLing at their funny antics. Putinslam means peace!". John A Thompson: "Being a diabetic this would be great for monitoring my levels.". Jerry Laughlin: "Nty, I don't need branded...". Jason Wigley: "Fuck no.". Koubru Khagan Lakpa: ""Nature has perfected everything, Science is trying to distort everything."". Gabrielle Saffell: "I don't even have a tat, why would I do this.". Felicia Marie: "NO BUENO.". Denis Guyvner: "And when obsolete, then what ?". Senoj Sym Biote Retswerb: "Once you go cyborg you can't come back.". Sean Lion: "5his must be another one of ~USA's evil Plots..". Mike Wyatt: "The new 'Tribal'.". Νίκος Πάφρας: "GTFO.". Mikemedia Mode: "Im going to put it on my dick so you can daily updates on that.".
17-02-2015 09:34 ZEIT ONLINE teilt einen Link. Was Studieren?: Einführung in die Rhetorik. Nach Ihren Referaten wollen Kommilitonen Autogramme, Ihr Professor nennt Sie Cicero? Zeit für das Rhetorik-Quiz (sg). Sie wollen Ihr Gegenüber manipulieren? Wie wäre es mit unauffälligen Füllwörtern wie "denn", "halt" oder "etwa"? Ein Quiz für rhetorische Naturtalente und Taktiker. 8 Menschen gefällt das: Debby Konfetti, Lily Coco Nightoui, Achim Ulrich Schweimler, Tobias Targosz, Björn Eggers, Johannes Je, Philippe Souetre, Dorothée Kirkland. 1 Mensch hat dazu kommentiert. Corinna Boekhoff: "Hauke Bo".
13-08-2015 12:00 ENOUGH is ENOUGH - OPEN YOUR MOUTH teilt einen Link. Schülervertretung beklagt: Im Unterricht sollte mehr über Vielfalt gesprochen werden. "Die Landesschülervertretung hat den Sexualkundeunterricht an den Thüringer Schulen kritisiert. Schülersprecher Maximilian Reichel-Schindler erklärte am Montag, das Thema Sexualität werde oftmals nur kurz angesprochen oder ganz und gar ausgelassen. Zwar werde meist ausführlich über Pubertät und Schwangerschaft gesprochen. Die unterschiedlichen sexuellen Lebensausrichtungen kämen aber zu kurz." Auf der Facebookseite des MDR Thüringen ging es nach der Veröffentlichung des Artikels heiß her. In der Originalüberschrift des Artikels heißt es nämlich: "Schülervertretung: Im Unterricht mehr über Sex sprechen". Dies beklagten einige Follower und lieferten sich einen Schlagabtausch mit den Admins der Facebookseite. Den könnt ihr hier nachlesen: In eigener Sache: Wir haben die Überschrift in einem passenderen Ton formuliert. Lieber MDR, ihr dürft gern abschreiben... #EnoughisEnough #StopHomophobia #StopTransphobia #LGBT #Gay #Community #Bildungsplan #Vielfalt #Aufklärung #Gleichstellung #LGBTI #Sexualkunde #Unterricht #Schule #Lehrer #Orientierung #Thüringen. Zwei Sichtweisen: Die Landesschülervertretung beklagt, dass das Thema Sexualität in den Thüringer Schulen zu kurz kommt. CDU und AfD fürchten eine "Frühsexualisierung" der Kinder etwa durch das Thema Lesben und Schwule. 25 Menschen gefällt das: Alex Reiber, Ralph Kretschmer, Anaïs Gringer, Christa Lila, Astrid Ronzheimer, Dieter Ranft, Effi Tassikas, Jan-Luca Kiok, Diana Gashi, Florian Dunkel, Pascal Hartmann-Boll, Andy Ziller, Pascal Yves Schröder, Franky Boy, Björn Berg, Juan Guevara Castro, Angelo Sollazzo, Philip Fickel, Andre Schubert, Hans-Lothar Huhn, Christian Krieger, Leon Hitzer, QueerTausch, Manu Speil, Maximilian Zwingel. 1 Mensch hat dazu kommentiert. Maik Giese: "Es wäre gut, wenn die "besorgten Politiker und Eltern" mal etwas mehr auf die Forderungen der Schüler hören würden.".