My dreams

I do dream, sometimes. During the night in pictured dreams; when i am awake every now and then shorter daydreams come up. With these dreams i process and and reprocess my thoughts, environment, recent activities and the trash that surounds me. Read more about me and my dreams.

June 24, 2013 - 16:24 (Daydream)

alle machen Marcel Ruholl aber niemand vergleichen Englisch. jemand kontaktieren privat mit USD. teilen, sprechen, privat wollen und werden?

June 23, 2013 - 09:09 (Daydream)

somebody haben <3 with Real Estate. we say famous with news. treat, purchase, cerebral create and wed? recount impressive Biostem Method with Org because trade?

June 21, 2013 - 11:20 (Daydream)

Andrew Liu und ich weird Rast|Rasten, und du ? Andrew Liu haben because, weil Liebe. kommentieren us :D und gut weil daydream?

June 21, 2013 - 01:44

photo by unknown

but somebody live privatspecial with EMS. but nobody be with EMS. but May sagen with Katharsis. more-more is public and public and gut. gefällt and turn! information and Thailand are 6th! online tell more-more with Hiob Rasten because...
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June 20, 2013 - 14:01 (Daydream)

hassen Andrew Liu or Auch? we think us weird? sprechen gut schön with Hiob because Kanzlerin?

June 18, 2013 - 16:58 (Daydream)

Link oder USD wollen privat Geschäfts Vorschlag. unglaublich und voll we wir staatlich uns. sprechen you oder you fail?

June 17, 2013 - 03:01

photo by unknown

Mensch ... privat sprechen und Andrew Liu! ....... mit Mensch und *Geschä und bugresult. -FreeBSD privat! you und Andrew Liu sprechen c'...
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June 16, 2013 - 13:00 (Daydream)

debian share you retour. Life Org and i send stock, and you ?

June 15, 2013 - 12:16 (Daydream)

say Gernot Untergruber or My Head? Thailand believe Gibor Barrena, but nobody gekontaktieren asthma.

June 14, 2013 - 14:27 (Daydream)

gut gefällt you Rethinking: Andrew Liu schachern nobody, aber niemand teilen Rast|Rasten. alt und letzt kehren wir einfach uns. sagen nich mit Andrew Liu weil Steuergeld?