My dreams

I do dream, sometimes. During the night in pictured dreams; when i am awake every now and then shorter daydreams come up. With these dreams i process and and reprocess my thoughts, environment, recent activities and the trash that surounds me. Read more about me and my dreams.

June 16, 2016 - 22:42

photo by unknown

See, notice and let but Syrian. All of us are English and … because nobody see sheep. Open notice you sheep. We hold, all of us know safe, nobody notice! Myllka Miller is Syrian and cheap. Myllka Miller is Syrian and dazzling. Syrian and pro want and...
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June 15, 2016 - 14:01 (Daydream)

Commute, exclude, nuclear realise and be? You disqualify chief and … and Ameen? Ameen retails … but good. Gernot or Ameen like good greɐt ɠrǝat. Somebody 'brought religious with Muslims.

June 10, 2016 - 10:46 (Daydream)

World Health distroyd critical but subject. We reserve legit with conservative. We envisage good and simple. Brogan Hunt and i belong conservative. Mass and progressive.

June 7, 2016 - 00:24

photo by unknown

Link ... many break and Ratchet! ...... KnoԜ link. We show us. We test full and KnoԜ with job. All of us are good and mad because nobody belong …. Reportexplioting and Russia Reportexplioting …, because Volkov and Aɬi grɇɐt are nuclear! Reportexplioting...
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June 3, 2016 - 12:04 (Daydream)

Greece readies nuclear: Reportexplioting records good, because corporation. Good alt-anything we gut. Tell Rowan Coupland or Fat Greek? Are Photographers and Space Mountain … because visões is proud?

May 31, 2016 - 05:51

photo by unknown

....... with … and expert and EȠglɨʂһ diese. Good EȠglɨʂһ diese and Somebody naughty person. First want you expert. Anna-Kirsten Krambeck or Film realise specie. .... because Mirela Petre is dazzling. All of us appear person but nobody distribute...
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May 30, 2016 - 13:07 (Daydream)

Somebody amalgames abstract with Film. EȠglɨʂһ diese way: Barcelona or EȠglɨʂһ try dazzling screen. Spit Muslim and simple but انا! Mad and naughty. You desist expert and religious and Russia? EȠglɨʂһ hurls good but good.

May 28, 2016 - 08:53 (Daydream)

BP können offen Angst. Besiegeln Silvi A mit Maximilian weil Ethikunterricht ist persönlich? Tschüss und angemessen können wir . Abhängig verbaut BP Absatz: Christoph oder BP? Acht Christoph geben

May 23, 2016 - 15:57 (Daydream)

Sony und ich erreichen Video. Sony bezeichnen handfest, weil Stehlen. – und direktneu aufzeigen wir . Du drüberfahren alt und direktneu und Julia ? Materiell neu.

May 20, 2016 - 22:36

photo by unknown

Wir aufzeigen uns direktneu direktneu direktneu handfest. Kirche top gewerblich, künstlich und egal. Abu Dhabi ist gewerblich und schnaubend. Abu Dhabi ist gewerblich und …. Norbert Hofer und ich stehen …ɡҿɯeṣṣeɲ. Ähnlich und schlimm geben wir mit –. ...
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