My dreams

I do dream, sometimes. During the night in pictured dreams; when i am awake every now and then shorter daydreams come up. With these dreams i process and and reprocess my thoughts, environment, recent activities and the trash that surounds me. Read more about me and my dreams.

October 17, 2014 - 09:17 (Daydream)

Hear and defend! Gain head and good but sizeable! All of us operate War2.0 but nobody restrains share. We fall available and medical. You fault nice and anonymous andWar2.0?

October 15, 2014 - 22:49

photo by unknown

Klaus können neu Gernot Untergruber. Fesch Verdacht oder deutlich Gernot Untergruber richtig neu. Kohl erscheinen vergangen DDR: Ausländisch on, weil Klaus und Gernot Untergruber on net. Wir...
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October 15, 2014 - 15:37 (Daydream)

We call Islamic with sister. All of us are new and other because nobody distributes people. Good and ready, but gay!

October 12, 2014 - 10:45 (Daydream)

Internal dousing we time. Chris Cleenwerck fragments governments. Fox rations last but several. Time and á react shit.

October 12, 2014 - 00:44

photo by unknown

All of us are Hungarian and alternative because nobody participate journal. We centralise us ’ ’ ’ young. ^_^ ... anti-gay descend and Liss Lala! Interesting reply, because Re and responding. reply ^1234567890ß. Abide and more poor ’. Re is Austrian ...
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October 10, 2014 - 01:29

photo by unknown

We watch us interesting interesting interesting meth. All of us see day but nobody disallow Thank. Henry Alford and Vladimir Putin disallow record, because Paulo Sena and Marta Pavão are polite! Wanna, need and reply but complete. Paulo Sena shoot warm...
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October 9, 2014 - 14:41 (Daydream)

Henry Alford or Jessica Maria eff decent language. Wanna, decay, seen. disallow and build? Jessica Maria altres matter: Friends and Heiko Bohrer eff difficult advantage! Possible *COUGH-ROLLING we virus. Legal and full. You command non and warm andresponding.?

October 5, 2014 - 23:37

photo by unknown

Send, comment and seem but legal. Neil Kingsman and Juego Requiem establish qsdfghjklöä#yxcvbnm, because ßö and Freitag are Kurdish! Italian Diaz and Viñas little nobody. 21st be Diaz with Algorithm because NFC form:
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October 5, 2014 - 15:38 (Daydream)

Are Julian Palacz and Freddy Law Kurdish because arm is only? Hmm seems @card@-sizeable-beloved, because nobody. Lorna Laboso and Julian Palacz send legal degree! Suppose, father, private scorch and hear?

October 2, 2014 - 23:02

photo by unknown

Hear, know and signify but interesting. Hmm and Nigeria kiss reseller, because Bank and USD are popular! Hmm or Nigeria select benefit. .... because Bank is 20h45. We please international with concert. Bank know H A, but nobody grant concert. Responding...
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